Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Phell Clan

The Phell Clan is not fairly big when compared to some other Minmatar clans (having a few hundred members now due to the influx of the Mervess family), holding a piece of real estate on the planet of Nakugard VI, and having multiple capsuleer pilots supporting the clan through their endeavors. The land they occupy on Nakugard VI has been theirs for many generations, since before the Minmatar rebellion, but it really has no infrastructure, it is mainly just hunting and ceremonial lands. It is also the site of the Clan offices. The clan used to have lands in Pator, but this was before the Day of Darkness. The Phell family was almost all enslaved when the Amarr came to the Minmatar Empire. The ones who escaped all left Pator and went into Nakugard, to try and remain hidden from the Amarr. When what was left of the Phell family was freed from the Amarr, they rejoined the clan in Nakugard. They have also recently absorbed the Mervess family into the clan, most of the Mervess family still keep their names in remembrance of loved ones lost due to the Militia war that forced them to become part of the Phell Clan. The current heads of the clan are Tiger Phoenix Phell and Shekear Mervess, with several other members of both families acting as advisers.

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