Sunday, May 16, 2010

Shekear Mervess

Name: Shekear Mervess
Birth-date: 83-05-15
Height: 5' 9"
Weight: 180
Race: Minmatar
Tribe: Vherokior
Clan: Phell
Father: Ra'shem Mervess
Mother: Sammisa Mervess
After coming of age she decided to become a pod pilot. She has made a successful career as a trader in multiple empire spaces, excluding Amarr. Only recently her clan family suffered a great deal tragedy. During conflict between Amarr and Minmatar Militia, her families land in Minmatar low security space was struck by many ships, from frigates to battleships, that had been destroyed above the planet and fallen out of orbit. This normally would not have been a bad thing, except for where and when the ships struck the planet, at the main family estate, during a Clan council meeting. Nearly a quarter  of the family was killed in the initial collision, with a few hundred more being killed by the radiation from the exposed drive core's of multiple ships. Afterward Shekear was placed incharge of the family and over much discussion it was decided to merge the family with another. They chose the Phell clan, of the Brutor tribe, due to its strength, and willingness to except them, mainly because the clan head, Tiger Phoenix Phell, was a good friend of the Mervess family. Shekear and Tiger now jointly run the Phell clan, with advisers from both families to make sure one family doesn't usurp the other.

The Phell Clan

The Phell Clan is not fairly big when compared to some other Minmatar clans (having a few hundred members now due to the influx of the Mervess family), holding a piece of real estate on the planet of Nakugard VI, and having multiple capsuleer pilots supporting the clan through their endeavors. The land they occupy on Nakugard VI has been theirs for many generations, since before the Minmatar rebellion, but it really has no infrastructure, it is mainly just hunting and ceremonial lands. It is also the site of the Clan offices. The clan used to have lands in Pator, but this was before the Day of Darkness. The Phell family was almost all enslaved when the Amarr came to the Minmatar Empire. The ones who escaped all left Pator and went into Nakugard, to try and remain hidden from the Amarr. When what was left of the Phell family was freed from the Amarr, they rejoined the clan in Nakugard. They have also recently absorbed the Mervess family into the clan, most of the Mervess family still keep their names in remembrance of loved ones lost due to the Militia war that forced them to become part of the Phell Clan. The current heads of the clan are Tiger Phoenix Phell and Shekear Mervess, with several other members of both families acting as advisers.

Current command staff for Tiger Phoenix Phell

Executive Officer: Shana Melaar
 Recent status change to this position, former XO  Mennia Sha'sti, deceased, due to recent destruction of the "Ray Of Matar" Hurricane class Battlecrusier.
Chief Medical Officer: Perry Clefton - Oversees all medical staff employed by Tiger Phoenix, he is overseen by the Phell Clan head physician.

Chief Tactical Officer: Segienta Haston - Oversees all security for Tiger Phoenix and collaborates with Eye of The Storm Trading Company's CTO and is overseen by the Phell Clan Chief of Security.

Chief Engineer: Morant Iosal - Oversees all engineer staff in Tiger Phoenix's fleet.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Shana Melaar

Name: Shana Melaar
Birth-date: 85-05-13
Height: 6'
Weight: 190
Race: Amarr
Bloodline: True Amarrian
Father: She'nath Melaar
Mother: Liiana Melaar
  Her Grandmother on her mother's side, a daughter of a powerful Holder, was the one that helped Shaees Phell escape from slavery. Unknown to Shaees was the fact that she had taken a small sample of his genetic material and used it to get herself artificially pregnant after she had married. She did this not only as a way to spite her father, whom she knew to be a very evil man, she did it out of secret love for Shaees. Her daughter, Liiana, was the result of the pregnancy. She was told the story of her conception and Liiana passed it onto her daughter, Shana. Shana's father, She'nath, also knows this story, since Shana's family is open supporters of the Minmatar cause. Shana went on to receive her capsuleer  license and served as Tiger Phoenix's CIO (Chief Intelligence Officer)  for years time. Due to her work in Amarrian space, she had to step down from that post and took up her current post as Tiger's XO, His former XO died in the loss of a Hurricane the "Ray Of Matar". He also knows the story of her lineage, and the fact that they are cousins.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

A'dria Phell

Name: A'dria Phell
Birth-date: 92-06-19
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 180
Race: Gallentean
Bloodline: Intaki
Father: Arvess Phell
Mother: Denniir Phell
 She is one quarter Minmatar, her grandfather Shaees Phell was full Minmatar. After growing to adulthood, she left to become a capsuleer. A short time into her travels around space, she ran into her cousin Tiger Phoenix Phell. After a short time they became fast friends. After over 4 years as a pod pilot, she is going strong and still looking for more adventure.

Sha'ees Phell

Age: Deaceased
Race: Minmatar
Tribe: Brutor
Clan: Phell
Father: Str'kosii Phell
Mother: Meesan Phell
 Born into slavery, he was freed by a kind Amarr woman, the daughter of a powerful holder who felt she owed the Minmatar people for their suffering. After being freed, he escaped into Gallente space and married an Intaki woman. They lived a full and rich life together but only ever had one son, the father of A'dria Phell, Arvess Phell.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Tiger Phoenix Phell

Name: Tiger Phoenix Phell
Birth-date: 84-10-28
Height: 6'7"
Weight: 312lbs
Race: Minmatar
Tribe: Brutor
Clan: Phell
Father: Ar'dsho Phell
Mother: Kirrin Phell
After being freed from slavery, he became a VTOL pilot in a Minmatar mercenary unit, who did jobs for the Republic, alongside Valklear units. After 4 years with the merc group, he went to the republic military school to become a capsuleer. After successfully completing the course, he took the Phell leader name of Phoenix, a tradition in his Clan since before record, and has since been leading the Phell Clan, and being a successful capsuleer. He is of slighter build than most Brutor, but by no means any weaker, hes just a little quicker than most. He has tattoos on a good portion of his body, including his face. Only the ones on his face and shoulders are nano tech.